Has your training gone better than you thought?

If you have already entered one of our pool-based triathlon events and wish to update your estimated swim time, you only need to fill in the form and we will do the update for you.


Sprint/Super Sprint Swim Distances

We only require estimated swim times for pool-based events.

Stratford Triathlon Indoor Pool Sprint 400m Super Sprint 200m
Cheshire Triathlon Outdoor Pool Sprint 500m Super Sprint 200m
Henley Triathlon Indoor Pool Sprint 400m Super Sprint 200m
Buckinghamshire Triathlon Indoor Pool Sprint 300m Super Sprint 150m
York Triathlon Indoor Pool Sprint 400m Super Sprint 200m
North West Triathlon Outdoor Pool Sprint 500m Super Sprint 200m
Warwickshire Triathlon Indoor Pool Sprint 400m Super Sprint 200m

Your estimated swim time is used to place you on the start list. We try to ensure that you are swimming with other swimmers of a similar ability. This helps alleviate the need for over/undertaking in the pool.

You have up to three weeks prior to your event to update your swim time.
